Femicide. One Case, Several Struggles
GLOBE|Panel & Filmscreening (online starting Thursday until Saturday)
Panel on Friday, 9th of July from 7:00 to 9:00pm
A documentary in Spanish with English subtitles; panel conversation in English with German simultaneous interpretation
For the German translation please login here: https://uni-leipzig.zoom.us/j/62385198358?pwd=aHBIZ2Z3ZXEwYWNhZXRNVHRrM2U3UT09
Film screening und discussion on the situation in Latin America
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed existing social problems like under a burning glass. In this process, domestic and gender-related violence has not only become more visible but also intensified. What leads to killing a person because of his or her gender? What makes this violent crime different from others? What does the way we deal with gender-related violence say about our society?
The documentary by Mara Avila asks these questions from a personal perspective. It portrays in this way the struggle of Latin American women for their right to a safe life.
On Friday evening, we invite the audience to engage in dialogue with Mara Avila, lawyer Alejandra Castillo and journalist Karen Naundorf to understand the suffering that unites women not only in Latin America.
The movie is now available until Saturday, July 10.
Impulse on femicide and inequality, gender and violence in the context of Corona-related lockdowns
Movie plot: On July 19, 2005, Maria Elena Gomez went out with her partner, Ernesto Jorge Narcisi, in Buenos Aires. That night, Narcisi stabbed her to death. The media reported the news as a "crime of passion in Puerto Madero". Ten years after this event, Mara Avila, the victim's daughter, is able to redefine this supposed "crime of passion" as femicide and decides to make a documentary film in the first person. From a subjective and social perspective, she gives political meaning to her greatest tragedy in life.
Discussion with Mara Avila (producer, director, actress), Karen Naundorf (journalist) and Alejandra Castillo Ara (lawyer, Cologne).
An event with Coloquio de Estudios Latinoamericanos en Leipzig - CELLE.
Discussion on the situation in Latin America: The Panel
In English with German simultaneous interpretation
Karen Naundorf
Karen Naundorf is a South America correspondent based in Argentina (Weltreporter.net, Swiss Public TV, SRF). One of the main topics of her reporting is violence against women - and how the women's movement is fighting against it. She is currently working with photographer Sarah Pabst on a project on femicide by security forces, supported by the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting. Karen holds a degree in communications (University of the Arts, Berlin) and is a graduate of the Henri Nannen School of Journalism (Hamburg).
Alejandra Castillo Ara
Chilean lawyer, who got her doctorate at the University of Freiburg, has been a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Criminal Law in Freiburg. Dr. Castillo Ara has been a professor of criminal law with a gender perspective and has worked at the public defender's national office in Chile, especially in cases of ethnic minorities and criminal law with a gender perspective (femicide and self-defense of victims of domestic violence, etc.). Dr. Castillo Ara has also published academic articles about the development of femicide in Chile and Europe. She is the author of “Femicide, just a Latin-American phenomenon?”, where she presents an argument, defending why harder sentences and new criminal offenses (from homicide to femicide) do not help whether the prevention nor the prosecution of the crime. Currently, Dr. Castillo is the Legal Counsel of DKMS in Cologne, Germany.
Mara Avila
Director, producer, scriptwriter, and the main character in the first-person documentary "Femicide. One case, many struggles" (2019), Mara Avila premiered this film, her first feature, at Gaumont Theater in Buenos Aires City, on March 7th, 2019. One day before Women's International Day, this first release has not only allowed her to promote the film but also to keep struggling against gender violence, as the daughter of a victim of femicide in Argentina. Supported by the National Institute of Film and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA in Spanish), the documentary "Femicide. One case, many struggles" has been Mara's thesis, with which she got her degree in Communication Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires in December 2018.
Panel Chairs
Agustina Carrizo de Reimann
Since her move from Buenos Aires in 2006, she has been part of the University of Leipzig. She studied social anthropology and obtained 2017 her PhD. in Latin American history. Within the context of her current research project on nineteenth-century police modernization in Argentina and Mexico and her collaborations with the Coloquio de Estudios Latinoamericanos en Leipzig (CELLE), Agustina takes a transnational approach to central issues of Latin American political and cultural history. The paradoxes of local and global modernities, the modes, and the challenges of human mobility are in the foreground of her reflections.
Karen Silva Torres
Doctoral researcher at the Institute of Anthropology and the Graduate School of Global and Area Studies of the University of Leipzig. Her main teaching experience and research interests include visual and media anthropology, social media, affectivity, and journalistic practices.
Her previous research focuses on media representations of politics, mainly journalistic images, and how they contribute to local government's accumulation of political capital. Her current work is an ethnography about contemporary journalism and its relation with technology (specifically social media) and affectivity. She is also part of the Coloquio de Estudios Latinoamericanos en Leipzig (CELLE).
Carolina Rozo Higuera
Doctoral researcher at the Graduate School of Global and Area Studies at the University of Leipzig. She holds an MSc in Information Technology from the University of East London. She is part of the Coloquio de Estudios Latinoamericanos en Leipzig (CELLE). Her main research interests regarding Latin America include formulating policies for historical archives in HHRR and memory. She is an editor and contributor to the forthcoming publication: Latin American Transitions, with the chapter titled "Archives, Memory, and Human Rights: The Right to Truth and the Right to Tell in Colombian Policies and Memory Initiatives."
You will find the panel at 7pm here as YouTube-Video!
To watch the video, you can also visit the YouTube-Channel of ReCentGlobe.